

November 30, 20101667Views


In 1996 the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA), spearheaded the developed a Model Disaster Management Legislation.   In 2003, the Virgin Islands adapted the 1996 Model Disaster Management Legislation and created the Virgin Islands Disaster Management Act No. 3 of 2003, herein referred to as the Act.

 In 2008, the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) recognised that the Act lacked the necessary provisions to address regulations for hazard inspectors, the designation of Specially Vulnerable Areas, the National Alert System, and liability of locally registered and/or certified volunteers.  A recommendation was made to the Deputy Governor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Chambers to address these deficiencies.  Then, during the development of the national Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Policy and Strategy in 2009, the DDM further identified the need to update the Act so that it reflects a CDM approach to management of disasters and the reduction of risks.

 In 2009, CDERA expanded its mandate to strategically take up its role as facilitator, driver, coordinator and motivating force for the promotion and engineering of CDM in all of is 18 Participating States.  This was reflected in its organisational review and rebranding to become the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA). In an effort to embrace its new mandate and address the legalities associated with comprehensive disaster management, CDEMA in consultation with its Participating States determined that the 1996 Model Disaster Legislation did not reflect a comprehensive disaster management approach and focused primarily on response and recovery.  Consultants and legal draftsmen through the University of the West Indies Disaster Management Consortium Team were contracted to undertake the necessary revisions to the 1996 Model Legislation. 

 The revised model was presented in the Virgin Islands on November 19, 2010 for adaptation.  An initial meeting with relevant government agencies resulted in the suggestion for possible amendments. 
This project seeks to adapt the Regional Model Disaster Management Legislation and Regulations to the Virgin Islands context and specific need and to make the necessary amendments for the Virgin Islands Disaster Management Act No. 3 of 2009.

This project will require the legal drafting of a revised Disaster Management Act in keeping with the Regional Model Disaster Management Legislation and Regulations.

The Department of Disaster Management shall provide the selected applicant with all relevant documentation.  Staff at the DDM will be available to facilitate meetings to allow for full implementation and completion of the project.
The Successful applicant chosen will be expected to deliver the following outputs:
1. A comprehensive proposal detailing a plan of action on how the works identified will be completed within the specified period.

 2. Revised Disaster Management Legislation which incorporates the adapted Regional Model Disaster Management Legislation.

 3. A final report of the works completed under the consultancy.

Instruction to Applicants
Applicants are required to furnish the following:

(a) Curriculum vitae outlining the professional skills and qualifications of the Manager including details of experience in the field of database development. 

 (b) A proposal giving details of how activities under the project will be established, administered and the associated costs.

The duration of the engagement will be four (4) months with ALL work to be completed by Tuesday 15, March 2011.

 A detailed proposal based on the Terms of Reference outlined above must be provided no later than Thursday 2nd December 2010. Further information may be obtained from the Director, Disaster Management at [email protected]. Please send applications to the address below.

Ms. Sharleen DaBreo
Director of Disaster Management
Department of Disaster Management
#3 Wailing Road, MacNamara
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Tel: (284) 468-4200
Fax: (284) 494-2024
Email: [email protected]

Deadline for submission: Thursday, December 2nd 2010