BVI Community Encouraged to Take COVID-19 Survey

BVI Community Encouraged to Take COVID-19 Survey

May 11, 2020Survey2917Views

All persons residing in the Virgin Islands are encouraged to participate in the Territory’s COVID-19 Survey to assist Public Health officials in determining the public’s knowledge and understanding about the disease.

The survey, which is available online at, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous and confidential.

The questionnaire was designed by Chief Epidemiologist Harmony Brewley-Massiah who stated that the survey is a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) study to capture what is known, what is thought, what is done in relation to a specific topic, in this case, the Coronavirus COVID-19.

Mrs. Brewley-Massiah explained that establishing a baseline for public understanding is important for containing the virus.

She said, “Once we identify where the gaps are when it comes to what people have learned so far about the Coronavirus COVID-19 and what preventative actions they’re practicing in their daily lives, we can effectively tailor our efforts to prevent it from spreading in our community.”

Responses will be analysed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, and the analysis will be shared with the BVI community.

Persons who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or who think they may have been exposed to the virus should stay at home and call the COVID-19 medical hotline at 852-7650.