DDM Urges VI To Practise Earthquake Safety

DDM Urges VI To Practise Earthquake Safety

November 7, 202477Views

One of the best ways to be ready to react quickly and safely in case of an earthquake is to regularly practise the DROP, COVER and HOLD earthquake safety response, said Director of Disaster Management Jasen Penn.

“Emergency responders and disaster researchers have seen that the more persons practise DROP, COVER and HOLD, the more likely they are to respond safely to an earthquake,” Mr. Penn said as the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) prepared for the annual ShakeOut earthquake exercise.

ShakeOut, a global practice session to improve earthquake safety, takes place locally on November 14. The self-led drill is expected to draw approximately 58 million participants worldwide.

Participants will practise the DROP, COVER and HOLD safety methods:
DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position prevents you from being knocked down, protects your vital organs, and allows you to crawl to a shelter if nearby.

COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter. If no shelter is nearby, crawl away from windows toward an interior wall.

HOLD on until the shaking stops. If you are under shelter, hold it with one hand and move with your shelter if it shifts. If you are not under shelter, hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.

Participants may further improve their earthquake readiness by taking steps to secure their space, updating insurance policies, creating an emergency savings fund, or reviewing personal or organisational earthquake response plans.

After the exercise, DDM encourages participants to share photos or videos on social media with the hashtag#BVIShakeOut tag.

For earthquake preparedness resources or advice on how to customise a ShakeOut drill for your organisation, please contact the Department at (284) 468-4200 or [email protected].

Register to participate in the BVI ShakeOut exercise at