How to take part in Caribe Wave BVI

How to take part in Caribe Wave BVI

March 14, 2023589Views

One of the best ways to improve your earthquake and tsunami preparedness is to practice. Joining the Caribbean’s annual tsunami exercise is easy. Just follow these five steps:

  1. Register at On Exercise Day, March 23, 2023, the Department of Disaster Management will trigger the National Early Warning and Multi-hazard Alert System, which means that sirens, radio notifications, the DDM app and other components will notify the public of the test.
  2. When you hear the alert, practice the earthquake safety response of Drop, Cover and Hold On.
  3. After one minute, proceed to your tsunami assembly point. Don’t forget your wellness checks once you’ve arrived.
  4. When you get back to your home, school, or office, practice a safety check before re-entering the building.
  5. Reflect on improvements you can make to your plans now that you’ve practiced. You can also share feedback with us at 468-4200 or [email protected]

Finally, we’d love to see your photos and videos on social media, so please share them and tag @BVIDDM or use the hashtag #CaribeWaveBVI