18th June 2010 – A Flash Flood Watch is in effect from this afternoon to Sunday afternoon as an active Tropical Wave is forecast to move across the local area this weekend. The leading edge of this system which is moving Westward will begin to affect the Territory later today.
Moisture associated to this Tropical Wave will linger through Sunday afternoon increasing the showers activity across the islands. This system could also produce periods of showers and thunderstorms with moderate to heavy rainfall.
A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions are favorable for heavy rain across the watch area which may lead to flooding. If you are in the watch area check your preparedness requirements, especially if you have interests along the coast line. Keep informed and be ready for quick action if flooding is observed or if a Flash Flood Warning is issued. People in the watch area should continue to be aware of the possibility for heavy rainfall which can increase the potential for dangerous landslides over areas of steep terrain.
Residents and Emergency Management Officials are urged to remain alert to the developing weather conditions as widespread rainfall totals of 4 to 6 inches are likely with this system. Residents are also reminded to pay close attention to the change in the weather which may affect them negatively in ways such as the flooding of homes, difficult driving conditions and the impact of squall-like conditions on vessels at sea.
The DDM will continue to monitor the weather conditions and provide updates accordingly.
Please visit the DDM’s website at www.bviddm.com for further information.