Evacuation Plan

Evacuation Plan

Evacuation Procedures:

Click Link for Further Information- Evacuation Plan Template 2 (1)

Evacuation is the last resort. Most of the time, the appropriate action will be to shelter-in-place. If you are notified to evacuate, the most senior employee on scene should ensure the following are done:

 Call the manager/supervisor
 Notify the shelter
 Assign a staff member, to contact transportation
 Assign a staff member to start loading residents, when transportation
 Assign a staff member to activate emergency contact list. Have
emergency contacts who have agreed to assume responsibility arrange to
pick up residents, if time allows.
 Assign a staff member to keep a roster of residents.
 Assign a staff member to answer the cell phone and relay messages and
 Stay close to residents to provide reassurance and provide comfort
 Gather disaster supplies (shelter supplies, water, food, first aid kits, etc.)
 Assign a staff member to collect resident’s medical records.
 Assign a staff member to collect resident’s medications.
 Assign a staff member to collect medical equipment for residents.
 Assign a staff member to contact transportation for residents.
 Assign a staff member to collect linens and resident’s clothing, if
 Assign a staff member to collect office equipment and essential

Important Note: It is important to note that each situation is going to be
different, and that a situation may not allow for the above procedures to
be implemented in this specific order.



Shelter-in-Place vs. Partial/Full Evacuation

When possible and reasonable to do so, the preferred option is to shelter-in-place as this will cause the least amount of disruption for the care of the residents. When time permits, the decision to evacuate should be guided by information from the Department of Disaster Management. Policies and procedures should be maintained for each option as they will have different tasks and responsibilities.


 Rooms should be designated for use as shelter. Some things to keep in mind when picking an area to use is the type of structure, the nature of the disaster, and is the area prone to flooding.
 Gather first aid kits and emergency supplies.
 Windows and doors will be firmly closed and checked for soundness.
 Storm shutters, if available, will be secured.
 If sheltering from a hazardous material incident, follow the instructions from the Department of Disaster Management or the fire department.
 Cover and protect food, water, and medications from airborne contamination and from contact with waste materials, including infectious waste.
Partial/Full Evacuation
 Once an evacuation order has been issued, do so immediately, authorities have a good reason for making this request.
 Notify alternate location.
 Gather medical records and tag residents.
 Notify transportation.
 Record all staff and residents.
 Gather first aid kits, disaster supplies, medical equipment, and food and water supplies.

General Roles and Responsibilities


 Brief all staff on their responsibilities in an emergency.
 Implement the plan and supervise its execution.
 Contact and notify supporting agencies, evacuation hosts, and transport suppliers.
 Confirm with government officials of evacuation decisions, destinations, and arrival.
 Shall be responsible for tagging and identifying all residents upon evacuation.
 The manager/supervisor shall check all rooms before leaving the grounds. An “X” should be marked on each door to verify that the room has been checked.
 Secure and lock the building.
 Review hurricane evacuation checklist, if applicable.

Nurse/Social worker/Teacher:

 Develop and maintain resident and staff status reports.
 Prepare residents for the hazard concerned, whether shelter-in-place or evacuation.
 Supervise loading of residents, support staff, and any accompanying staff families into evacuation vehicles.
Ensure that the residents’ medical records are transported with them. Some suggestions for this are to use plastic pockets with chains to secure around participant/resident necks. Plastic pockets with clips to attached to shirts or gowns with laminated index cards with personal information, medications, and medical history.
 Review checklists of what medical equipment and supplies are to accompany residents.
 If the disaster/emergency has fatalities, a separate area should be identified. Special care must be given to the dead with respect to cultural and/or religious beliefs. For short time disaster/emergencies, the bodies should be iced down until officials can be notified and proper arrangements can be made.


 Develop procedures and provide for their implementation to secure the facility.
 Procure emergency fuel supply.
 Check generator and other emergency equipment.
 Conduct hazard monitoring and give status reports to Supervisor/Manager.
 Inventory of disaster/emergency supplies.


 Arrange to have on hand foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking, for use in evacuation or in-place sheltering situations.
 Provide ice and containers to preserve medicines in an evacuation.
 Responsible for gathering all linens and supplies needed for resident care. If possible, attempts should be made to gather resident clothing also.
 Prepare special foods and medications and other required support materials to send along with each resident.