DDM Director appointed Permanent Secretary for Office of the Deputy Governor

DDM Director appointed Permanent Secretary for Office of the Deputy Governor

August 30, 20193269Views

DDM Director Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor beginning Sept. 4.
Mrs. Dabreo-Lettsome, MBE attained a Master of Science (with Merit) in Business Management in 2009 and a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Administration and Management (Suma Cum Laude) from Arkansas Tech University, USA in 2001. She also holds a Master Certificate in Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation and Information Systems; is a Chartered Manager CMgr MCMI and Certified Emergency Manager® (CEM®). Mrs. Dabreo-Lettsome, MBE will maintain oversight of the Disaster Management subject in the first instance of her appointment.

Other subjects that come under the Deputy Governor’s purview include the public service, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, the Her Majesty’s Prison Service, the Attorney General’s Chambers, and other constitutionally established entities.