

January 1, 20051956Views

Friday, June 1 – Despite experts’ predictions of a
relatively “normal” hurricane season, the Department of Disaster Management nonetheless
began its Hurricane Preparedness Campaign under the theme “Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be Alert”.

issued by Colorado State University and NOAA anticipate the 2012 Hurricane
Season to be less active than previous years.
Scientists have predicted 10 possible named storms with 4 possibly
developing into hurricanes. Of these four, two  may become major hurricanes
of Category 3 strength or higher.

A joint message
from the Governor and the Premier will soon be aired and published with all
local media, summarizing the various predictions and the key preparedness issues
that need to be considered.

the Hurricane Season, which officially runs from June 1 to November 30, the DDM
will partner with the local media outlets and businesses to issue Public
Service Announcements (PSAs) and other methods of public information
dissemination to provide guidance for residents.  Among the DDM’s Hurricane Preparedness
Campaign activities will be a partnership with a local company to produce a Hurricane
Guide, information for the Spanish speaking community, presentations to local
civic groups, e-blasting and social networking. The Department wants to ensure that
messages reach all cross-sections of the community.

and Education Manager, Mr. Linton Leonard said, “As usual, we shall employ all
the opportunities afforded to us, including assistance from local businesses,
to distribute Hurricane Awareness and Preparedness tips for individuals and
businesses alike. We have also included local entertainers in the scripting,
videotaping and voicing of PSAs. One thing we are especially mindful of this
year is to distribute information in Spanish as well, including PSAs that will
be aired on the local Spanish radio programmes.”

The Public
Information and Education Programme Area within the DDM is also recognizing Ms
Zora Williams of the Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School for submitting the 2012
Hurricane Season Theme, which was well received.

residents and visitors are urged to pay close attention to the information
being broadcast or printed and to ensure that they remain in a heightened state
of readiness for the next six months.

For more
information on Hurricane Preparedness please visit the DDM’s website at or visit our offices at #3 Wailing Road,
MacNamara, Tortola.