Yep, that was an earthquake!EarthquakeLatest NewsDecember 9, 2023325Views09DecFind All Posts of This Month: 12 - 2023Twitter Facebook Google + Preliminary information is that it was 5.65 earthquake 6.3 kilometers northwest of Anegada this morning at 10:27am. No tsunami watches or warnings with this earthquake. More details from the Puerto Rico Seismic Network Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico ALTA RESACA Y AVISO PARA EMBARCACIONES PEQUEÑAS EN EFECTODecember 9, 2023¡Sí, eso fue un terremoto!December 9, 2023you may also like17ViewsJanuary 23, 2025by: Jacob AdolphusEVENING WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE VIRGIN ISLANDS…..14ViewsJanuary 23, 2025by: Jacob AdolphusPRONÓSTICO DEL TIEMPO POR LA NOCHE PARA LAS ISLAS VÍRGENES……22ViewsJanuary 23, 2025by: Jacob AdolphusWEATHER FORECAST FOR THE VIRGIN ISLANDS….