Message by Governor Rankin – Hurricane Tammy Update

Message by Governor Rankin – Hurricane Tammy Update

October 22, 2023305Views

Good morning to everyone in the Virgin Islands.

I am very grateful to share that Hurricane Tammy has passed to the east of us as we had hoped. As expected, we did record some gusty conditions including windspeeds in excess of 30 miles per hour. So far, reports are that yesterday and last night passed with minimal local impacts.

We will continue to watch Hurricane Tammy’s progress, as forecasters tell us the system has a long tail of shower activity behind it. This means that thunderstorms associated with Tammy could continue off and on throughout the coming week. Rough seas may also continue, and we remain under a small craft advisory.

I’d like to take this time to commend the Government and the people of the Virgin Islands for doing all that was possible to be ready for Hurricane Tammy. When we work hard to prepare, then the threat does not materialse, it can be tempting to view our efforts as wasted. In fact, we build our resilience each time we carry out these actions. We gain experience and learn how to make the process more effective. It is an excellent investment in our community and ourselves.

Thank you and please continue to stay safe.