

April 28, 20111206Views

The Government of the Virgin Islands invites qualified and professional applicants to apply for the post of Technical Planning Officer (External Vacancy), Department of Disaster Management.


Main responsibilities include:

·         Collecting and analyzing local and regional hazard data utilizing GIS software as it relates to mitigation planning and prevention and ensuring that such findings are utilized to reduce hazard impact on the built environment.


·         Assist in the implementation and monitoring of the mitigation measures.


·         Maintain close liaison with public sector agencies and other organizations involved in scientific monitoring, hazard mitigation planning, and where necessary, supplying such organizations through the STPM with data and the results of research conducted by the DDM.


·         Prepare and distribute maps—with related natural science data and other related material—among agencies concerned, ensuring maintenance of in-house records on maps and computerized systems on a continuing basis.


·         Examine and analyze the vulnerability of the essential utilities, critical facilities and lifelines in order to prescribe remedial measures that will ensure the continued operation of these services and utilities in times of emergencies or disasters.


·         Ensure the establishment of an effective and efficient scientific monitoring information, data storage and retrieval system preferably on a Geographic Information System (GIS) and assist other agencies in coordination of National GIS data.


·         Identifying areas in urban, regional and national levels where there is urgent need for additional scientific knowledge and information and directing the research and survey activities in these areas.


·         Promoting, designing and assisting with the implementation of scientific and technical programmes to provide adequate monitoring and warning of disaster agents.


·         Undertake Hazard and Vulnerability Assessments for development applications submitted to Planning Authority for approval.


·         Conduct field assessments to corroborate and reinforce the hazard data available.


·          When the NEOC is placed on standby, the Technical Planning Officer is expected to assist in carrying out the following functions;


                Provide scientific and technical data on the hazard being dealt with


                Provide forecast and projections and likely scenarios that the NEOC may be required to face and respond to


                Prepare Situation reports and carry out other functions as outlined in the NDMP.


                Assist other agencies and perform damage assessment after impact



·         Bachelor´s Degree in land based discipline e.g. Geology, Physical Planning, Civil/Structural/Geological Engineering and knowledge of GIS would be an additional asset.


·         Minimum 3 years in the field of GIS related to technical analysis, planning, engineering, or environmental science.


·         Advanced training in aspects of disaster management, specific to natural science and mitigation and planning, and training or experience in project preparation and management


·          Knowledge of ArcView 9.2/9.3 Desktop, Spatial Analyst, and 3D Analyst (at a minimum).


·         The ability to interact with both internal and external agencies with respect to their scientific needs information


·         Knowledge of the technical aspects of physical planning and other disciplines connected with development planning; and have a good understanding of existing social and economic factors and principles and practices of management.


·         Knowledge of the Territory´s planning and environmental acts and regulations; and changes in Government policies in relation to physical planning and hazard planning and research; the latest trends, concepts and techniques in the natural science field through continuing study of texts, journals, etc. at research seminars and conferences.


·          The ability to analyze and interpret data to provide advice on scientific and technical issues


·         Must be able to work in a team but should be able to direct and provide leadership


·         Good managerial skills.


·         Knowledge of computer and Geographic Information Systems


Note:  Candidates possessing a combination of extensive directly related experience, transferable skills and additional qualifications which may qualify them to do this job are encouraged to apply for consideration.



·         Entry level $28,818 – $32,390 annually, Grade 9 commensurate with qualifications and experience.



·         One-year probationary period


·         Permanent and pensionable establishment


Closing Date:

April 28, 2011


Send Applications to:

The Secretary

Public Service Commission

Central Administration Complex

Road Town, Tortola VG 1110

British Virgin Islands