

November 27, 20121477Views
     Tuesday, 27 November – Approximately, 50 teachers from across the Territory are now equipped with the critical knowledge and confidence to effectively manage an emergency situation on the job without fear or confusion.
     On Saturday, 24 November the Department of Disaster Management (DDM), in collaboration with the BVI Red Cross and the Caribbean Emergency Responders Training Academy (C-E-R-T-A) conducted a one-day refresher training course in Basic First Aid for teachers across the Territory from both public and private schools. A total of 15 of the Territory’s 63 schools were represented from early childhood to secondary levels.
     The DDM received an overwhelming response from educators and school administrators across the Territory and as a result, the training was offered at two locations simultaneously. Mr. Randolf Lewis and Deniese Daniels of the BVI Red Cross conducted one session at their headquarters in Botanic Station while instructors Dwayne Straun and Ron Mobley of C-E-R-T-A facilitated the other session that took place at the DDM in MacNamara.
     Mr. Straun said, “It is hard to tell when life will throw you into a situation where you could make a difference in saving someone’s life and that is where first aid and CPR training comes in handy. Being trained in these areas can make all educational institutions much safer.”
     He added, “Having children and other people attending school on a daily basis can often be stressful even without cuts, bruises, falls, and sickness. Being trained in the areas needed to help with injuries and other factors can make all the difference in saving not only students or coworkers, but also yourself.”
     The training included hands-on skills through the use of manikins and trainee partners to reinforce information being taught during the session. The teachers were exposed to scenarios involving injury and illnesses and were taught the appropriate response to those settings. A course workbook which discusses first aid principles and responses to settings that require interventions was also distributed to all participants.
      DDM is committed to promoting emergency preparedness and will continue to locate and offer training programs designed to better prepare individuals to deal with emergency situations.